Every day that passes we observe the competition that arises from the way of commercialization of Asian countries that do not stop increasing their presence in the Spanish commercial market.
This problem expands day by day to all commercial sectors of our country due to somewhat unfair competitive advantages such as price, due to low wages and the lack of quality of their imported products.
It is difficult to find people who are able to claim that they have not bought products from the Asian market, be it China, India, Bangladesh and a long etcetera.
This globalization is a serious damage to the local business, leading in many cases to its destruction or disappearance.
In our particular case, sale of socks online,we compete with foreign brands that introduce their low quality products at a low price and also with "Spanish" brands that have decided to manufacture in these Asian countries to be able to compete in price by lowering their quality.
We cannot compete against these countries that dubiously respect human rights from there, but we can fight it from our country. Spain.
In Socks & Co we prefer to maintain quality and bet on the national market manufacturing, and using 100% Spanish fabrics for our socks ensuring the entire process in our country.
This situation has led us to create this list with the numerous advantages of buying your products in the national market.
• Quality. We are committed to quality and good work. It's easy to distinguish any of our socks from any made in Asia just by touching it. All our products have passed the most exhaustive quality tests ensuring the best product for our customers.
• Employment. We generate jobs in our country, so that in turn they can allocate their salaries in the national market increasing the monetary flow and contribute with their taxes to the improvement of the welfare state. As a developed country, we need an industrial fabric that will generate the necessary employment.
• Taxes. The taxes collected by the Treasury end up having an impact on society in the way of public facilities, security, social aid, social security, education and much more. Buying socks made in Spain you will be favoring that the taxes generated in all stages of the product will have an impact on society.
• Working conditions. When you buy your socks made in Spain,you will have the certainty that they have been manufactured by people of legal age who have labor rights and health care. We know reality, we can't look the other way.
• Near future. If we do not collaborate with the national business, sooner or later it will not be profitable to open businesses in our country since there will be no industrial fabric to bet on if the market is invaded by low-cost products with which you can not compete. By not generating new companies, jobs will not be created, which in the near future could affect us directly by making it difficult for our children to enter the labor market.
For all these and many more reasons we invite you to choose Spanish product over any foreign competitor.
In Socks & Co we are proud to declare that our socks are manufactured 100% in Spain ensuring the best quality of our fabrics and adding value to the national market.